<p> I've been weighing it back and forth for a while. Which smartphone will be my first, after the Nokia N93 fiasco some years ago? (Symbian S60 seemed so cool back then.) Well, I think I've come to the conclusion that it'll be an iPhone 3GS. Here is why. </p> <p> I like Android as a mobile OS, probably more than iPhone OSX. But, and this is an important objection, there is no comparably cool hardware devices out yet to run Android.
<p> mp3fs is a very nice idea and a smooth way to use a vast library of lossless archived CDs in the awesome <a href="http://flac.sourceforge.net/">FLAC</a> with <a href="http://www.apple.com/no/ipod/whichipod/">silly mp3players</a> without native support. </p> <p> The concept of mp3fs is a FUSE filesystem which converts FLACs to mp3s on the fly (CBR only as of now) via lame. Thus you can have the original FLACs stored, and expose a folder structure of converted mp3s to whatever you want.
<p> 1. Switch to the Calendar view in the Zimbra webui.<br /> 2. Click “New Calendar” (or “Ny kalender” in Norwegian).<br /> 3. Name it something nice like “Norwegian public holidays”.<br /> 4. Check the box “Synchronize events from remote calendar” (“Synkroniser avtaler mot ekstern kalender” in Norwegian).<br /> 5. Paste <a href="http://ical.mac.com/bjorkheim/Norske%20helligdager.ics">http://ical.mac.com/bjorkheim/Norske%20helligdager.ics</a><br /> 6. Click Ok. </p> <p> As long as the calendar maintainer bothers to update, Zimbra wil automatically receive updates.